Spring Hill Elementary
The staff, community and students of Spring Hill
Elementary School-Within-A-School are “ building together the foundation of the
future.” This is the vision statement
for our learning community. Our vision
is to develop lifelong learners, effective communicators, strong
problem-solvers, readers who comprehend, students who possess necessary life
skills and are self-confident individuals.
This vision drives our mission statement, “Building Together the
Foundation of Our Future”.
The focus of Spring Hill Elementary School-Within-A-School is on student achievement. All of our efforts are directed toward ensuring that students are able to read, write and problem-solve at grade level.
The major components of the School-Within-A-School program are :
The Spring Hill Elementary School-Within-A-School program is housed within the larger, Spring Hill Elementary. There are six full-time certified staff members and three paraprofessionals. A music educator, physical educator, and special educator work with the program. The Spring Hill Elementary principal oversees both the traditional and charter school program. A lead teacher conducts the day-to-day management of the charter school. A steering committee comprised of parents, community members, teachers and an administrator act as evaluators of the program and offer suggestions.
The Spring Hill Elementary School-Within-A-School Charter School is governed by the USD 230 School Board .
If you want more information or have comments please contact:
Michelle Toon@ usd230.k12.ks.us or call (913) 592-7277.